

MINUTES of a meeting of the Cabinet held on 13 July 2021 at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes




Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair)


Councillors Nick Bennett (Vice Chair), Bob Bowdler, Claire Dowling, Carl Maynard, Rupert Simmons and Bob Standley


                                    Members spoke on the items indicated


Councillor Bennett                      - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Denis                        - Item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Claire Dowling          - item 6 (minute 10)

Councillor Field                           - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Holt                           - item 6 (minute 10)

Councillor Maples                       - items 5 and 6 (minutes 9 and 10)

Councillor Stephen Shing           - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Simmons                   - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Standley                   - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Swansborough         - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Georgia Taylor         - items 5 and 6 (minute 9 and 10)

Councillor Tutt                            - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Ungar                        - item 5 (minute 9)

Councillor Webb                         - items 5 and 6 (minutes 9 and 10)



7             Minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2021


7.1       The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 29 June 2021 were agreed as a correct record.




8             Reports


8.1       Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.




9             Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources - State of the County


9.1       The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive.


9.2       It was RESOLVED to:


1)            note the evidence base on demographics (appendix 1) and the national and local policy outlook (appendix 2);


2)            agree the revised Medium Term Financial Plan as the basis for financial planning (appendix 3);


3)            agree officers review the Capital Strategy and Programme as set out in appendix 4;


4)      agree the priority outcomes and delivery outcomes (appendix 5) as the basis of the Council’s business and financial planning, subject to the amendment set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report; 


5)            agree to receive reports on more detailed plans for 2022/23 and beyond in the autumn when there is greater certainty about future resources; and


6)            request officers bring forward proposals in the autumn for a financial strategy that includes options for further investment in highways, infrastructure and climate change.




9.3       The State of the County report is part of the Council’s Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) process, its integrated business and financial planning cycle. The report sets out the current context and provides an overview of the latest position in preparation for more detailed planning for 2022/23 and beyond. It builds on our recent year-end monitoring report to reflect on our achievements over the last year, the challenges in the year ahead arising from both local and national factors and, in light of this, begins to refine our plans to guide our business planning and budget setting processes.


9.4       The report contained the normal elements included in the State of the County report: the demographic evidence base; the national and local policy context; Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Programme. It gives our up to date understanding of how we will need to continue to respond to the wide range of policy, demographic and financial drivers which influence the outlook for the Council, including the implications of Covid-19, both in the short and longer-term.





10           Highway Services Re-procurement Project


10.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


10.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1)            note the findings of the Detailed Business Case;


2)            agree Option 2, Integrated Contractor & Designer Contract as the preferred Service Delivery Model because it presents the best opportunity and the least risk to the Council to successfully deliver its statutory responsibilities for highways maintenance as well as the delivery of improvements to the County’s transport networks in the most efficient, effective and economic manner;


3)            agree the contract duration option of an initial term of 6 years 11 months + 7 years optional extension; and


4)     agree that a contract is developed and prepared for tendering based on NEC4 form of contract that reflects the Council’s requirements and clearly defines the service requirements and the Service Provider’s responsibilities.




10.3     To inform Cabinet of the outcomes and recommendations from the Detailed Business Case for the Highway Services Re-procurement Project. The Cabinet has agreed the preferred Service Delivery Model and the contract duration option. A contract will now be developed for tendering that reflects the Council’s requirements and clearly defines the service requirements and the Service Provider’s responsibilities




11           Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion 2020/21


11.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


11.2     It was RESOLVED to note the internal audit service’s opinion on the Council’s control environment.




11.3     The report gives an opinion on the adequacy of East Sussex County Council’s control environment as a contribution to the proper, economic, efficient and effective use of resources.  The report covers the audit work completed in the year from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 in accordance with the Internal Audit Strategy for 2020/21. Reasonable assurance can be provided that East Sussex County Council had in place an adequate and effective framework of governance, risk management and internal control for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021.




12           Items to be reported to the County Council


12.1     It was agreed that item 5 should be reported to the County Council.

[Note: The item being reported to the County Council refers to minute number 9]

